
今天心情超悶的.. @@!

想聽聽這一首愛爾蘭民謠 Lord of the Dance 




因它的曲調非常輕快活潑, 也令人聞歌起舞~

聽完心情也不由得開朗了起來~ ^^



說到這兒,當然... 很直接就想到了一樣是來自愛爾蘭, 曾來台演出的 “火焰之舞”...

一樣是以 Lord of the Dance 為主題音樂, 就順道再回顧一下囉~ ^^

Michael Flatley 在愛爾蘭風格的踢踏舞圈子裏是舞蹈之神


2008年7月這場在倫敦海德公園的露天演出, 兩萬多觀眾把整個氣氛哄抬得極為熱烈

臺上的 Flatley 演出也極為投入,而且底子裏帶著那對愛爾蘭本民族藝術的自豪

他說過 “If I never do another show, I will die a happy man.”

意思就是說, 有了這場演出, 他自己覺得可以死而無憾了~!



另外這個 " Warriors " 的橋段, 也是我很喜歡的~

既然來了, 就一併分享囉~ ^^




Lord Of The Dance

I danced in the morning 
When the world was begun, 
And I danced in the moon  
And the stars and the sun, 
And I came down from the heaven 
And I danced on the earth, 
At Bethlehem  I had my birth.

Dance, then, wherever you may be, 
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he, 
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,
And I'll lead you all in the dance, said he.

I danced for the scribe 
And the Pharisee, 
But they would not dance 
And they wouldn't follow me. 
I danced for the fishermen 
For James and John— 
They came with me 
And the dance went on. 

I danced on the Sabbath  
And I cured the lame; 
The holy people   
Said it was a shame, 
They whipped and they stripped  
And they hung me on high 
And they left me there  
On a cross to die. 

I danced on a Friday  
When the sky turned black – 
It's hard to dance with the devil on your back. 
They buried my body 
And they thought I'd gone, 
But I am the Dance,  And I still go on. 

They cut me down   
And I leapt up high; 
I am the life   
That'll never, never die; 
I'll live in you  
If you'll live in me - 
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he. 










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