Impossibly Beautifu 選自Julie Feeney 的專輯《Pages》

Julie Feeney 這位美麗的愛爾蘭女孩也真如同這首歌一樣.... 無與倫比的美麗呀~

Julie Feeney 在她的個人主頁上寫著 Composer / Singer / Producer / Musician /Songwriter

 / Educator / Theatre Artist… 諸多的頭銜著實讓人驚訝~!!




創意. 製作...個人包辦一切工作,在發行第一張專輯《13 Songs》創意的編曲驚艷了媒體大眾後



希望分享這首 Impossibly Beautifu ... 也能讓妳帶來美麗的心情~ ^^



Impossibly Beautiful – Julie Feeney

I know not your heart or your mind or your name

Your Achilles heel or from where you came

Though it’s written in the stars my desires will flame

I might take a pass on what the stars are saying


You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are


The indignant look as you catch the eye

Of the onlooker caught in a gaze at thine

As you’re innocently flaunting your beauty, ‘ah!’

You’ve no idea how beautiful you are


You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are


You’re not laid so bare by the vanity fare

To tamper with your charms…oxygen in a jar

You’re not an assembled cocktail of bits and not

A stuck together look all made up with tricks


You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are


You don’t play the love game of toxic love

Of trading love for beauty the winning of

Will you ever wish you knew what a spell you cast

Or maybe it’s a beauty you’ll always have


You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are

You’re impossibly beautiful, is that ‘cause I’m waiting

Is that ‘cause I’m looking or is it just ‘cause you are






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